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Reach sustainability goals through TerraCycle’s innovative recycling solutions for hard-to-recycle waste streams.

TerraCycle offers proven solutions tailored to your business. From recycling your hard-to-recycle products to closing the loop on packaging waste through our global reuse platform, discover how partnering with the international leader in innovative sustainability solutions isn’t just good for the planet but good for your bottom line.

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Recycling partnerships for brands

Recycling partnerships for brands

Join over 600 brands worldwide and enable your consumers to recycle your brand’s hard-to-recycle products and packaging. Scalable to your budget and needs.
Recycling solutions for businesses

Recycling solutions for businesses

Offer recycling solutions for hard-to-recycle waste streams to your clients, key accounts, and employees to add value and enhance overall satisfaction.
Retailer recycling programs

Retailer recycling programs

Increase foot traffic, boost brand recognition, and engage customers with recycling solutions at retail. We tailor our solutions to your needs, waste streams, and locations, including back-of-house and distribution centers.
Large-scale recycling

Large-scale recycling

Recycle large and small volumes of hard-to-recycle materials—such as mixed plastics, PPE, and obsolete inventory from your manufacturing or production facility, distribution center, or warehouse.
Resell TerraCycle recycling solutions

Resell TerraCycle recycling solutions

Sell TerraCycle’s Zero Waste Boxes and Zero Waste Bags at your retail location—online or in-store. Our pricing covers all costs for storage, shipping, and recycling.
Universal waste recycling

Universal waste recycling

Recycle regulated, universal, and hazardous waste with us. Our solutions cover fluorescent lamps, bulbs, batteries, aerosols, PPE, and e-waste, as well as organic waste, medical waste, and other potentially harmful waste streams.

Become a Zero Waste Bag partner

Compost companies—and other businesses servicing homes or offices—make your pickups more profitable and even greener. Grow your business by becoming a Zero Waste Bag reseller. Help your customers recycle what they couldn’t before and increase your earning potential at the same time.
Closed-loop solutions

Closed-loop solutions

Close the loop on your products and packaging. We help brands recycle theiritems back into themselves or into similar applications, including shoes from recycled shoes with ASICS, pens from recycled pens with Pilot, the world’s first closed-loop cosmetics cap made from recycled beauty waste with Nature’s Way, and many more.
Submit an RFP

Submit an RFP

Seeking a partner for a defined recycling or recycled materials need? TerraCycle legally guarantees to recycle all compliant waste and is the international leader in recycling hard-to-recycle waste streams. Contact us with specifics about your recycling or recycled content needs, and we’ll promptly be in touch with a proposal for a tailored solution.

TerraCycle’s mission is Eliminating the Idea of Waste®, and we legally guarantee we recycle all the accepted waste sent to us.

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Loop ist eine globale Plattform für Wiederverwendung. Wir arbeiten mit Marken und Herstellern zusammen, um nachfüllbare Ausführungen herkömmlicher Einwegprodukte zu entwickeln.

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TerraCycle Discovery

Möchten Sie wissen, ob Ihre Produkte am Ende ihres Lebenszyklus nützliche Erkenntnisse über Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden für Ihre Verbraucher/innen liefern können? Die Analyse von Proben menschlichen, häuslichen, tierischen und mechanischen Ursprungs, die vor dem Recycling von Produkten und Verpackungen zurückbleiben, kann Verbrauchern helfen, ein bewusstes und gesünderes Leben zu führen.
Erfahren Sie mehr über TerraCycle Discovery.

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Zum Schutz der Ozeane

Die TerraCycle Global Foundation hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den Zufluss von Plastikmüll aus Flüssen und Kanälen zu reduzieren, bevor er ins Meer gelangen kann. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Gemeinden entwickeln wir erstklassige Lösungen für die Vermeidung, Sammlung und das Recycling von Flussabfällen in Regionen der Welt, die unter stark verschmutzten Wasserwegen leiden.

Unterstützen Sie unsere Stiftung