We’ve made getting started with the MacroBar Wrapper Free Recycling Program easy! Simply download a free shipping label to ship your MacroBar wrapper packaging to TerraCycle, and we’ll recycle it.
Create a TerraCycle account and join this program. Then reuse any box you have to start collecting your MacroBar wrappers.
Print Free Label
When your box is full, sign-in to your TerraCycle account to download and print a prepaid shipping label.
Seal your box, affix the prepaid shipping label, and send it to us to be recycled.
Get Started
Participating in this program is easy and FREE! See answers to frequently-asked questions here.
Yes, this free recycling program is brand-specific, which means you can only recycle MacroBar wrappers.
GoMacro has sponsored this free recycling program, so there is no direct cost to you!
We encourage you to ship when your collection box is full of MacroBar wrappers to minimize the transportation carbon footprint for this program. UPS will not accept dripping packages, so please make sure your items are dry.
No, you do not need to clean the MacroBar wrappers before dropping them off. However, please remove as much of the remaining product as possible.
Earn Recycling Rewards
1. Recycle
Sign up for the MacroBar Wrapper Free Recycling Program and begin recycling.
2. Earn Rewards
Send in your recycling to earn reward points. Shipments earn 100 points per pound.
3. Redeem Rewards
TerraCycle points can be redeemed for a donation of $0.01 per point to the charitable organization or school of your choice.