Name Tags and Lanyards Zero Waste Box

Recycle name tags and lanyards with Zero Waste Box.

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Recycle name tags and lanyards with Zero Waste Box.

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How it works

TerraCycle Zero Waste Boxes allow you to recycle almost every type of waste. Simply follow the steps below to recycle your waste with us and make a positive impact on our planet.

What happens to the waste?

The collected waste is mechanically and/or manually separated into metals, fibers, and plastics. Metals are melted so they may be recycled. The fibers (such as paper or wood based products) are recycled or composted. The plastics undergo extrusion and pelletization to be molded into new recycled plastic products.

Accepted waste

Recycle name tags, plastic sleeves, metal or plastic fasteners, cloth or plastic lanyards.

Please do NOT...

Do not send in wires or e-waste of any kind.

Best practices for recycling

Please ensure that e-waste is not sent.

Help make this nationally recyclable

We work with a variety of brand partners to make our recycling solutions available, for free, to people around the world. If you represent an eco-curious company, please visit our Business Development Area.

You should also try...

To further your zero waste initiatives, you may be interested in some of our other Zero Waste Boxes.