This resource is great for getting ready to speak to administration and parent groups about starting a recycling collection station at your school. Learn about all the benefits of starting a recycling fundraiser with TerraCycle at your school!
This is an all-encompassing guide on how recycling and fundraising with TerraCycle works. It covers everything from how to create an account to how to redeem your TerraCycle Recycling Rewards points.
These activities are the perfect addition to a lesson on recycling. Make recycling fun for students with this TerraCycle-themed word search, coloring page and collection station decoration kit! They’ll love learning about protecting our planet, and you’ll love the convenience of pre-made activities.
These fun DIY activities will teach your students how to turn trash into treasure and become expert upcyclers! Step-by-step instructions will guide you through turning common hard-to-recycle items into handy, fashionable accessories like wallets and bracelets.
Building a green team at your school is a great way to keep your recycling goals on track. This guide will teach you all about what green teams do and help you build your own green team and keep it active at your school.