Donate a reusable utensil kit

1500 points

By redeeming 1,500 points for Plastic Pollution Coalition, you can help remove plastic pollution from the waste stream by underwriting the donation of a stainless-steel straw and reusable bamboo utensil kit (fork, knife, spoon & chopsticks in a sleeve).

Global plastic pollution is a crisis with production slated to increase by 40% in the next decade. In the United States alone, we currently recycle less than 9% of the plastics we use. Based on existing infrastructure and the closed door from China, U.S. plastic recycling rates are projected to drop to 4.4% in 2018. This is not sustainable nor compatible with life on this planet.  

It is estimated that 1 billion straws are used and discarded everyday worldwide. That's close to 360 billion a year filtering into the environment, littering our soil, waterways, beaches and oceans.

Plastic in the ocean have created a toxic plastic smog. There are plastic pieces floating on the surface, throughout the water column, and even down to the deepest depths of the ocean floor. Microplastics are being ingested along the entire marine food chain. If business continues as usual, our ocean will have more plastic than fish (by weight) by 2050.

Plastic Pollution Coalition’s programs reduce plastic pollution in schools, restaurants and at events, increase education and awareness around the “REFUSE single-use plastic” message and fund research initiatives to further explore the impact of plastic on human health.

Plastic Pollution Coalition

Founded in 2009, Plastic Pollution Coalition (PPC) is a global alliance of individuals, organizations, businesses, and policymakers working toward a world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts on humans, animals, waterways, oceans, and the environment.

Visit Plastic Pollution Coaliton’s website

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